
  1. Quality Assurance Unit
Vision, Mission, and Objectives
Board of Directors
Organizational Chart
  1. The path to accreditation
Whose responsibility is quality?
What is the quality?
Concepts and terminology
The student's role in quality

Vision, Mission, and Objectives:

The institution has a quality management system (QMS) for which the leadership provides support. It is committed to conducting a comprehensive and continuous self-evaluation. The institution uses internal and external reviews to ensure high performance quality. It also uses the evaluation results and reviews to improve its performance.

Mission :

The Quality Assurance Unit is committed to applying quality standards in education and implementing the Institute's strategic plan that includes educational, research and service activities to gain academic accreditation and to work on continuous development to maintain that accreditation.

Strategic Objectives :

The Quality Assurance Unit seeks to achieve the strategic goals and objectives to obtain accreditation. The objectives of the Quality Assurance Unit are:

  1. To design and implement an appropriate system to evaluate and analyze performance.
  2. To form working teams for self-evaluation and continuous improvement.
  3. To spread awareness and training about the quality assurance and accreditation process.
  4. To provide technical support for departments to spread the thought of quality.
  5. To achieve coordination between all scientific and administrative departments.
  6. To establish a system to ensure the continuity of the Quality Assurance Unit's work.

Its Activities :

To achieve the previously mentioned objectives, The Quality Assurance Unit carries out the following activities:

  1. Preparing self-learning in accordance with NAQAAE's standards.
  2. Preparing regular annual reports on the Institute.
  3. Receiving field visits from Higher Education Development Projects' Unit at the Ministry of Higher Education.
  4. Carrying out regular internal audits for the scientific departments.
  5. Effective participating in preparing the description and report of the program and the academic courses at the Institute.
  6. Participating in preparing a description of the administrative jobs at the Institute.
  7. Spreading the thought and culture of quality in the college for faculty members, the assisting staff, employees, workers and students.
  8. Updating the Unit's mission depending on the last national events.
  9. Preparing, distributing, analyzing and performing statistical treatments of questionnaires from inside and outside the Institute.
  10. Activating the students’ role in spreading the culture of quality and its assurance.
  11. Ensuring the quality of academic programs and developing the performance of the educational, research and community service processes.

Board of Directors of Quality Assurance Unit:

  1. The Unit’s Director:
  2. He is a Faculty Member who holds accredited certificates in quality management and is appointed by the institute’s Board of Directors depending on his competence.

  3. The Unit’s Vice Director:
  4. He is appointed by nomination by both the Institute’s Board of Directors and the Quality Management Unit.

  5. The Internal Committees:
  6. The Quality Assurance Unit includes internal committees to manage the unit’s work and follow up the application of academic standards, as well as follow up the educational process and the variation of experiences and specializations.

Whose responsibility is quality?

There is a question that imposes itself here, which is: Who is responsible for improving the quality of education at my university? Is he the university president? Is he the dean of the college / institute? Is it a university professor? Do you think that? !! You have a role. In fact, the answer to all these questions will be yes! The implementation of quality systems in the education system in your college / institute is the responsibility of: University leadership, university professor and staff, in addition to your responsibility in this system. This guide is directed to you, to explain to you the role of university leaders and professors in general, and your role in particular in achieving the quality of education systems at your university. Whose responsibility is quality?

  1. the student’s role in implementing the university’s education quality systems
  2. the professor’s role in implementing the university’s education quality systems
  3. the role of university leaders in implementing education quality systems
  4. the role of society and those concerned with the matter in the quality system

What is the quality?

Quality is a term that expresses the state of something, whether this thing is a product, service, institution, study or training program, or a level of work performance. A good product is one that achieves but exceeds consumer expectations and also means the product’s ability to meet the requirements of his job and also the product conforms to specifications. The degree of fulfillment of the requirements expected by the user of the service, or those agreed upon. And in university education, the product is the graduate student (graduate) whose level must meet the expectations of the consumer (society) and that by ensuring the quality of the curricula, study programs, teaching methods, and evaluation, and in order to be able to more than identify what quality is, we will present some important definitions in this field.

Quality Concepts and Terminology:

By using these concepts and terms, the Institution assures the meanings set forth in front of each of them, and the Institution is fully aware that these concepts and terms may be mentioned with different meanings in other references or handbooks. The Institution emphasizes that these concepts have been greatly simplified to maximize the benefit from them in proportion to the targeted group.

Quality Assurance:

The process of assurance that academic and institutional standards consistent with the mission of the educational institution have been identified, defined and achieved in a manner that complies with the corresponding standards, either on the national or international level.

Standards for Accreditation:

The Standards are the minimum requirements to be met by the institution. They are considered guidelines for its performance and practices. Accreditation is awarded in light of the extent to which the institution meets these standards, and the institution must always review the extent to which it adheres these standards. These standards include eight criteria related to the institution’s capacity and other eight criteria related to its educational effectiveness (See the accreditation guide on the NAQAAE's website).

Review Visits:

They are visits carried out by a team from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education “NAQAAE” (known as the External Review Team) to evaluate the educational institution's fulfillment of the quality and accreditation standards.

The Educational Institution :

(referred to as the institution): It is the college or higher institute to which you belong to obtain your academic degree (Bachelor's degree) or higher degree (Diploma / Master's / PhD).

The Mission of Faculty Institute:

It is the public face that defines the existence of the college/ institute and what kind of service it provides. It is considered the main guide to all its activities and clarifies its identity and what the college / institute seeks to achieve.

Quality Management Unit:

It is the responsible unit for quality management within the institution. It has all the documents and evidence for quality management within the institution.

University Teacher:

He is the faculty member (professor - assistant professor - lecturer), or the assisting staff (assistant lecturer - demonstrator) .

Academic Advisor:

He is a type of counselor who provides academic counseling services by following up the students’ performance, and helping them choose or change courses every semester ... etc. The most important characteristics an academic advisor must possess include:

  1. To be just.
  2. To demonstrate a concerned and caring attitude toward advisees.
  3. To be an influencer.
  4. To understand his duty to guide students towards meeting their personal, academic, and professional goals.
  5. To be concerned with his students' feelings.
  6. To monitor the students' academic progress.
  7. To be able to solve the students' problems.
  8. To assist students in planning a program consistent with their abilities and interests.
  9. To be interested in advising, having an intrusive behavior with advisees.
  10. To encourage students to make their own decisions.
  11. To encourage the successful and timely completion of degree requirements.
  12. To keep students on track to achieving their goals.
  13. To build relationships with students in order to understand their personal and academic needs
  14. To be engaged in developmental advising; he gathers, develops and promotes best practices for continuous improvement
  15. Try to make informal out-of-class/office contacts so that students are willing to reach out and ask for help when they need it.
Characteristics of a Good Student:

He possesses a set of knowledges, skills, experiences and trends in the field of specialization, in life and in citizenship within a decent moral frame. NAQAAE has determined a set of standards that must be met by the graduate that everyone (professor - student - leaders ... etc.) seeks to achieve through the quality system.


All members of the Institution's community and the local or civil society linked to the Institution.

Stumbling Students:

They include student with learning difficulties, those who did not achieve the targeted educational outcomes and those who fail.

External Auditors and Internal Auditors:

The external auditors are the team appointed by the Authority to carry out the external audit, while the internal auditors are any working group employed by the college / institute or the university to verify that the institution’s quality standards are fulfilled.

Local Community:

All individuals, institutions and entities that have an interest or get benefit, such as the professional union associated with the institution’s programs, and individuals and civil society institutions that deal with the institution as consumers of its services, provide training places, or form the local community of the institution geographically… etc.

Community Participation:

It is the effective engagement between community and the institution through mutual participation in continuous efforts to improve education, increase its effectiveness, solve community problems, and provide services to its members and institutions in a way that benefits both the community and the educational institution.

Academic Advising:

It is defined as introducing students to academic programs, regulations and laws within the college / institute, as well as revealing their tendencies and abilities, and providing them with the opportunity to benefit from the experiences of faculty members to help them solve their problems by appropriate scientific methods for each case. It also aims to help the student discover himself and make his own decisions, especially how to overcome the difficulties he faces in his academic path.

Strategic Planning:

it is the process of defining the vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives of the institution that must be achieved in a long period of time (5 years or more), as well as determining the means necessary to achieve them.

Strategic Plan:

It represents the outcome of the strategic planning process. It must be written and approved. It defines the vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives of the institution, and the available and future means to achieve them. It also reflects the university / academic strategy.

Strategic Plan:

It represents the outcome of the strategic planning process. It must be written and approved. It defines the vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives of the institution, and the available and future means to achieve them. It also reflects the university / academic strategy.

The Executive Plan of the Institution’s Strategy:

It includes the various activities and tasks required to be performed in order to achieve the institution’s strategic goals and objectives, with a precise definition of responsibilities, schedules, monitoring and evaluation indicators and levels of achievement.

Corrective and Prevention Actions:

They are a set of actions that the institution decides to take to fulfil unmet criteria or to enhance the performance of some already-met criteria to maintain their fulfillment. This can be achieved through organized procedures that define tasks, assign roles and a specified time for implementation, and are followed up in what is known as an improvement plan.


It refers to all those planned efforts spent by members of the institution’s community to develop its level of performance.

Development :

It refers to all those planned efforts spent by members of the institution’s community to develop its level of performance.

Development Plans:

it is defining the tasks required for the development process, implementation responsibilities, schedule, follow-up mechanism, and alternative procedures if implementation failed.

An Appropriate Mechanism:

It is a method that the college / institute announces and adopts. This method should commensurate with the institute's nature and the nature of its students, such as placing a complaint box, submitting an application or grievance, or sending an email.


it is legalized tool for surveying opinions or collecting information on specific topic(s). It is prepared in accordance with scientific conditions and their results are analyzed statistically to find out opinions.


it refers to getting benefit from the evaluation process results and correcting the path towards the required goal.

Academic Programs:

They are the programs implemented in institutions aiming to obtain a Bachelor’s degree/ Master’s / Doctoral degree (PhD)… etc. (and they include curricula, courses and activities by which the student acquire the knowledge, skills and values necessary to achieve planned educational goals and in a definite academic specilization.

Program/ Course File:

It is a file that contains the course description, its reports on previous years, teaching activities, evaluation, student comments, experts' opinion, in addition to the measures taken to improve the course, being implemented procedures and all that is related to the course to ensure better performance. It is based on the past year experiences to improve performance and ensure its improvement regardless who is responsible for the course.

Program/ Course Description:

It includes identifying of academic standards, objectives and targeted educational outcomes, in addition to teaching and evaluation strategies. It determines the courses and the distribution of their teaching hours and all that is related to the program for ensuring the success of its implementation.

Cooperative Education:

Cooperative education is a student-centered learning method in which students work within heterogeneous groups (including different levels of knowledge and skills) to achieve a common educational goal. The number of each group ranges between 4-6 individuals. One of the most important axioms of cooperative learning is that students are not allowed to be passive recipients, but they are encouraged to actively participate in learning, to interact with their colleagues, explain to them what they have learned, listen to their views, and encourage and support each other.


the student's ability to continuously develop his own cognitive, intellectual and professional abilities and skills, in contrast to the traditional methods of learning.

Field Training:

training in the field of work that prepares the student to join it, such as training in factories, hospitals, schools, …etc.

Targeted Learning Outcomes (Learning Outcomes):

they refer to what the learner should acquire in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that reflect academic standards. They are measurable, as well as clearly linked to the different methods of evaluating students.

Office Hours:

They are specific hours in which faculty members are available in their offices to receive students, discuss any of their educational problems, and try to guide them to solve these problems.

Student Guide:

It is a guide that the college / institute prepares and distributes to the students, containing vital information about the college / institute, the available programs, the mechanisms of joining them, the educational, social, health, psychological and cultural services .... etc. provided by the college / institute and how to benefit from them.

Student Evaluation:

It is a set of methods, including the examinations approved by the institution, to measure the achievement and fulfilment of the targeted learning outcomes (students' cognitive, intellectual and professional abilities and skills) from an educational program or a certain course.

The student’s role in implementing the university’s education quality systems:

In the beginning, you should know that the focus of the university’s education system is you ... Yes, the student is the main target of the educational process. All that is going on around you, including lectures, exams, seminars and other things, its primary purpose is to raise your level and skills that qualify you and make you able to compete in the labor market that is getting more intense Competition day after day, hence your role in improving the educational service that you receive in your university is the primary role, but rather the engine of the rest of the parties involved with you in the university system, you are simply the recipient of the service from the educational institution that you joined and the institution works to improve the educational service that you receive at the university, which is the purpose The basic aspect of applying quality systems in education. In light of the foregoing, it is possible to crystallize your primary role in implementing education quality systems in your college or institute in the following axes:


Ask the professor of each course you study about the intended learning outcomes. Ask about the description of the program whose courses you are studying.

Teaching and learning:

Help your teachers in both teaching and learning by performing assignments and readings, and actively participate in discussions in the lecture halls and ask meaningful and constructive questions. Interact with your professors to apply modern learning methods (e-learning - self-learning ... etc.), which aim to equip you with basic skills required by the labor market. Participate in the training programs held by the university in order to develop your skills and gain more information and knowledge. He actively participated in field training, which represents the most important requirements for joining the labor market.

Evaluation :

I make sure to evaluate my process: teaching and learning in which you interact with your teachers and be objective to the utmost degrees until the desired goal of this evaluation is achieved. Usually this evaluation is conducted through formal methods such as: (questionnaire) that is completed at the end of the course teaching or by using Informal methods such as: For one of your professors to ask you about your opinion of a course or other educational service you receive at the college / institute. Solve a positive behavior and give up the negativity. In the event that you are not satisfied with anything in your educational institution, a connection must be made to the officials. Usually, you will find in the college / institute an appropriate mechanism to receive your complaint, so it is best to use it.

Teamwork :

Help and support your colleagues in understanding and learning, as well as explaining the importance of their role in achieving quality education to ensure a better future for you and your country. Make sure to participate in performing learning activities with your colleagues to develop teamwork skills.

Student support:

Read the student guide for your college well and make sure you know the study system in it, how you can enroll in the various specializations in it, as well as the examination systems and the rules governing them. Make sure to take advantage of the youth welfare services available at the college / institute. Make sure to discuss with your professor the results of the exams in order to find out the reasons for your mistakes, and to work to avoid them in the upcoming exams. Make sure to constantly communicate with your academic advisor, ask him about everything you want, and seek his advice constantly.

Drawing up college:

Ensure that you are represented in decision-making in your college and in developing development plans and strategic plan for the college by involving representatives of you and your colleagues in the various committees of the college / institute. Know the mission of the college / institute and its future plan and share your opinion on improvement and development processes.

Make good decisions:

Make constructive decisions and discuss them with members of the college / institute with the aim of further achieving quality systems. Express the extent of your satisfaction with the practices carried out by the college / institute, whether they are related to faculty members, the administrative apparatus, or the equipment and laboratories provided by the college / institute. Compare the skills you gain with the requirements of the labor market, the owners of its institutions, and those concerned with the matter, and in light of that, specify your requirements that are discussed in your organization and present constructive proposals.


Your college / institute will undertake review visits by expert reviewers in the field of education quality affiliated to the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. Make sure to provide them with correct information without exaggeration when asking your opinion in this regard.

Resources & equipment :

Make sure to make good use of the resources of your college / institute (library, computers, laboratory tools… etc). Make good use of these resources, they are for you.

Community participation :

Participate with your organization in community and environmental awareness programs, as they are an integral part of your business skills acquisition requirements. He provided the service to members of the local community and participated in activating the community participation that the university undertakes. Actively participate in scientific seminars and conduct research through which you are trained in the mental and practical skills required by the labor market.

Continuous accounting:

Hold yourself up to date and judge how well you take into account the specifications of a good student. Ask for academic advising advice at your college / institute if required. Follow what is happening in your college / institute in light of quality standards to contribute to development.