Study System

Credit Hours System is one of the most widely used study systems all over the world. It is based on

  • Giving the student the freedom to choose the subjects he wants to study, the dates of lectures, and sometimes choosing the lecturer.
  • Enabling the outstanding student to be awarded a Bachelor of Engineering in less than five academic years after completing the number of credit hours required for graduation.
  • Providing the low ability student with a chance to choose the number of subjects in each semester according to his capabilities.
  • The Institute accepts students with the following qualifications

  • The minimum total number of credit hours required for graduation is 165 credit hours, in accordance with the requirements of general knowledge, the requirements of the institute, the requirements of the specialization, and the requirements of the division. Each requirement contains both compulsory and elective courses (see lists of requirements attached to the regulation).
  • The institute awards a bachelor's degree in one of the major specializations for the academic divisions mentioned in Article (3) of the above-mentioned regulation, provided that the student successfully passes the aforementioned courses while fulfilling all the requirements of the compulsory and elective courses, the graduation project, completing scientific and practical training, and obtaining a GPA not less than 2.00.
  • The study at the institute is in English or Arabic according to the nature of each course.
  • The Semester System

  • 1st semester (Autumn/ Fall semester) : it begins in September, and lasts for at least 15 weeks.
  • 2nd semester (Spring semester) : it begins in February, and lasts for at least 15 weeks.
  • 3rd semester (Summer semester) : It begins in July, and lasts for at least 7 weeks, provided that the weekly number of hours for each subject will be doubled.